Saturday, August 9, 2008


Milk's in! Matthew drunk and dopey and happy ... Mama relieved and tapdancin' on the inside.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations once again, and I hope that the breastfeeding goes smoothly. Yay for such a great start!

Anonymous said...

woohoo!!!!!!! you go mama.....
congratulations again!

BerryBusyMom said...

Yipee!! You go girl(s).

Now remember do not pressure yourself with the BFing. Give yourself a goal (3 weeks) and when you meet that goal then set another, drink LOTS of water, and buy a scale to weigh Peanut (to show his weight gain). And also talk/email me if you need a pep talk!


elaine@bloginmyeye said...

Love that Berrybusymom. Listen to her.

T with Honey said...

I am udderly happy for you!

CanCan said...

Yeah! Feed him as much as he wants, whenever he wants!

Anonymous said...


Nothing cuter than a milk-drunk baby :D

Gotta agree with berrybusymom. Make sure you're eating and resting plenty yourself too.

Heather Oller said...

All right, mama!!! You go girl.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Both on little Matthew (!) and on breastfeeding! Now come back here when you have time with PICTURES!!!! :) *Big hugs* to all of you!

Beth Cotell said...

That's awesome! I had 2 c-sections and had a horrible time trying to get my milk to come in.

Glad you have a drunk-on-milk baby!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Go you! :) I know you are going to do just fine. I'm so proud of you!!! xxx

Crooked Eyebrow said...

Congrats and I can't wait to see many adorable photos!

Karin said...

Hi! I just found your blog Big congrats on your sweet little baby and Yay! for you for breast feeding. I had my first child just before I turned 37 and my second when I was 40. Breast feeding was an experience I treasure. Very emotional when the time comes to stop. You are getting great advice here- drink lots and lots and lots of water and just let that baby feed. Once you get the hang of it, its so great. I'm getting verklempft. Lucky you!

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